If Rome won't go to Muhammad, Muhammad will clap until it does!

Hej halloj körsbärsstövel!

Sitter och roar mig med massa citat från serier och filmer :D Tänkte för skojs skull (och för att slippa känna mig tvingad att läsa tyskan) skriva upp några av dem :P Om ni inte förstår dem eller har sett filmen/avsnittet, too bad for you ;) Jag är glad iaf :D

Danny Ocean (to Turk, then to Virgil):
You think I'm 50 years old? Let me ask you something. How old do you think I am?
Virgil: Forty-eight.
Danny: You think I'm forty-eight years old?
Virgil: Fifty-two...?
(Ocean's Twelve)
Danny: Do I look fifty to you?
Bash: Yeah.
Danny: Really?
Bash: Well, I mean, only from the... neck up...
(Ocean's Twelve)
Barney: It's gonna be legen... wait for it... dary!
(How I Met You Mother)

Barney: It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!
(How I Met Your Mother)
Nanny Fine: I think I'm getting a cold, I sound so nasal!
(The Nanny)

Piggy: Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?
Kermit: Say what?!
(The Muppets Take Manhattan)

Earl: All you do is think, think, think. I'm teaching you to do, do, do!
Randy: Doo-doo?
(My Name Is Earl)

(De har faktiskt exakt samma skämt i How I Met Your Mother)
What are you doing, Korpral Klinger?
Klinger: I'm eating a Jeep.



Chris: If Rome won't go to Muhammad, Muhammad will clap until it does!
Chris: So I told him he was a pitty boss and a pastard, and he could pucking shove his pucked polo up his packside! Stupid Prick!
Josie: I think one slipped through there Chris...
Chris: Stupid punt...? 
Chris: Sidney, are you gonna tell me what's going on? It's like a fucking episode of the O.C. in here!
Tony (about Cassie): She is thin, blonde, and says 'wow' alot.
Chris: Now that's an ending!
Chris: Hey, what happened to my grapes?
Cassie: Anwar ate them.
Chris: Yeah, well, he's a grapist!

Angie: I don't have sex with my 17-year-old students!
Chris: How old are they normally?

Chris: Everything you could ever want from an evening. Songs, choirgirls, colourful costumes, fellatio... rabbits.
Maxxie: Rabbits?
Chris: Don't ask...

NYTT SKINSAVSNITT IKVÄLL BTW, men själv får man inte se det försen imorrn, eller på lördag... (Vadå besatt...?)


Nya skinsgänget :)

Dagens låt: TV on the Radio - Halfway Home <3


Postat av: Ilse

Skins, alltså alla roliga citat är de med chris

2009-01-29 @ 18:58:57
URL: http://ilses.blogg.se/

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